June 28 – August 4, 2006
Nicole Cherubini
Your Beauty's Gold is Clay
Organized by Ellen Robinson
June 28 through August 4, 2006
Anne Arnold
Lynda Benglis
Kathy Butterly
Nicole Cherubini
Jessica Jackson Hutchins
William King
The gallery is pleased to announce a group exhibition, Your Beauty’s Gold is Clay, organized by Ellen Robinson.
Clay acts as a material embodiment of mortality. It is both once living and now dead. Its precarious fragility in the fired state references the corollary state of living and the inevitability of death. There is a psychic tension created by the precognition of destruction. These thoughts are imbued into the medium inherently.
The work is primarily object-based and operates in the formal cool of that sculptural idea. The isolating incident of object making is a flat-footed, anti-theatrical gesture that insistently retains its aura. At the same time, these mute objects act as openings - referencing ideas about antiquity, decay, zoomorphism, decoration, decadence and consumption.
The title of the show is taken from the H.D. Poem Let Zeus. H.D. often worked in the mode of palimpsest. In a similar way, this show references a specific archaic material past while examining disparate layers of contemporary manifestations.
Anne Arnold, Ishmael, 1982, fired and painted clay, 16 3/4 x 15 x 18 inches
InquireAnne Arnold, Silky (Australian Silky Terrier), 1978, stoneware (painted terra cotta, unique), 15 3/4 x 17 x 8 1/2 inches
InquireLynda Benglis, Cantilevered Forced Bunch, 1993, ceramic, 26 x 26 x 17 inches
InquireLynda Benglis, Ojos, 1995-1996, glazed ceramic, 6 1/2 x 14 x 14 inches
InquireLynda Benglis, Olla, 1998, glazed ceramic, 13 1/2 x 11 x 12 inches
InquireLynda Benglis, Winner (Warrior), 1993, glazed ceramic, 32 x 16 x 16 inches
InquireKathy Butterly, Cenote
InquireKathy Butterly, Heavy Head
InquireKathy Butterly, Last Straw
InquireNicole Cherubini
InquireNicole Cherubini
InquireNicole Cherubini, Roses House
InquireJessica Jackson Hutchins, French Bread Pizza Coffin on a Fence, 2005, glazed ceramic with collage
InquireJessica Jackson Hutchins, Idaho Cliff with Cup, 2005, glazed ceramic, 12.5 x 7.5 x 5 inches
InquireJessica Jackson Hutchins, Monkey Mountain, Colorado with Cereal Bowl, 2005, glazed ceramic 5 x 11 x 9 inches
InquireJessica Jackson Hutchins, Object, glazed ceramic, 13.5 x 4.5 x 5 inches
InquireJessica Jackson Hutchins, Sea and Sky Bowl, 2005, glazed ceramic, 4.25 x 12.75 x 12.25 inches
InquireWilliam King, Annie, 354, 1974, ceramic, 8 inches high
InquireWilliam King, Aviation, 1987, terra cotta, 11 1/4 inches high
InquireWilliam King, Jealous (aka Soloist), 1973, glazed ceramic, 12 x 10 x 6 inches
InquireWilliam King, New Teeth, 1973, glazed ceramic, 9 1/4 inches high
InquireWilliam King, Now Who, 1973, glazed ceramic
InquireAnne Arnold, Ishmael, 1982, fired and painted clay, 16 3/4 x 15 x 18 inches
Anne Arnold, Silky (Australian Silky Terrier), 1978, stoneware (painted terra cotta, unique), 15 3/4 x 17 x 8 1/2 inches
Lynda Benglis, Cantilevered Forced Bunch, 1993, ceramic, 26 x 26 x 17 inches
Lynda Benglis, Ojos, 1995-1996, glazed ceramic, 6 1/2 x 14 x 14 inches
Lynda Benglis, Olla, 1998, glazed ceramic, 13 1/2 x 11 x 12 inches
Lynda Benglis, Winner (Warrior), 1993, glazed ceramic, 32 x 16 x 16 inches
Kathy Butterly, Cenote
Kathy Butterly, Heavy Head
Kathy Butterly, Last Straw
Nicole Cherubini
Nicole Cherubini
Nicole Cherubini, Roses House
Jessica Jackson Hutchins, French Bread Pizza Coffin on a Fence, 2005, glazed ceramic with collage
Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Idaho Cliff with Cup, 2005, glazed ceramic, 12.5 x 7.5 x 5 inches
Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Monkey Mountain, Colorado with Cereal Bowl, 2005, glazed ceramic 5 x 11 x 9 inches
Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Object, glazed ceramic, 13.5 x 4.5 x 5 inches
Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Sea and Sky Bowl, 2005, glazed ceramic, 4.25 x 12.75 x 12.25 inches
William King, Annie, 354, 1974, ceramic, 8 inches high
William King, Aviation, 1987, terra cotta, 11 1/4 inches high
William King, Jealous (aka Soloist), 1973, glazed ceramic, 12 x 10 x 6 inches
William King, New Teeth, 1973, glazed ceramic, 9 1/4 inches high
William King, Now Who, 1973, glazed ceramic